Typos -Humanity fights back.

Tiiipos - huuumanittees 21stt kentury ahnswer  ta AI fur ouur liberti nd owr sekurity

Typos - humanity’s 21st century answer to AI for our liberty and our security

Thiss wil b th mosst zhallengin artikle II hev evver ritteen. Da purnt wil b med hupfully zoon enuff. En politikal zience tooo valoos r ahlways en phay: leebirty n sekeurity. Typoos ar owr wei outt dis dilema fur da 21sstt kentui. Tiposs allllow ush ta protekt owrselvves wile simmultaaneousli  gevvi uz leeberti. Dey ken bi owl un pehrsonel greet wuhl a Cheena ta pretect uz frum te wuhld wil et da sem teem ohfver uhs e shtiure end e Plaetfurm fur uz to bi pleeiful ehnd kreative wid thus wee luv nd kerfit een uh pohnusal protected zun.

Eh itz te unser fur ouur AI challenke ehnd da wei to pectertect urslevees fum anee KHinesse ndd ur Russssianls ur Neurth Kreen hechers. Jussszt leaht zer cumptoorse tri tu reede dis. Yss et tikes timm. Bedsises prettectig uz r ya fum da uhtsise, et ulso ken ushh alle off uz ta reead mur karefully - ta pai adtention ta ourr word chuce ‘n lenguagee uz scills. Et ken ahlso furce uz ta comunnnicate mur aagageli wih odders stead a beeen pasaice kunstumers alh de tim,

Fur dis rezon, Frbr20-24, wil ecouarech ahl ta red n rit mur n na cuming yer, praktin n ekrcisin ur meends, lommmunicatin wid eeah odder ex muuch r es lil es wee’d lik, enjyin: ergubale da must pecial spect n da mushst glurios un - hummus comunikatin wid eech udde, spekialle wid da onnes musst deer toh ur heahrts.

Leht 20-24h bi da yeer oh they typo, ooohp. Leht it healp ahl off uz breek owr adddiktions ta canzumerism nd besity, periods “n wehd, cessive shuppin n xiety. Leht luv keonger alle leaht oour hahrts bi freeh ta shaahre evrytin wi wishe ta sai n ass muuch previcy ahs wee nide

Leht friedsom reing en daa digitkal ag. Leht 2024k bi then yeer of reddin nd writing fur alle.

Gud blusss Ahmerika and leht hum prect ouur triups ande ur kildren.

Leht usz usse stended englisk whenn itz nekessary, buht nonn stendard wheen nut ehnd whin wiii sish ta protect owrslves   -  typose da 21stttt ahnswer fur libirtyeee n sekeuriy


Dekember 16t, 2023i

Dis wul bee puhsteed heeler n Ficebuk ndd alllso un mi kampaign’s websitte Farber2024.org