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It all begins with

Our 21st Century World

Taylor Swift, Shohei Ohtani, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper and yes even the King, Sorry LeBron I have to come after you too, even though I love you as a pass first player like Magic. These icons of the global west. Sorry I’m not impressed. You can do more. You can be better, much better, and I wish you would, really I do.  

Why? How? These people contribute. Talk about an understatement from Mr. Nobody.

These five and I could select others, like Messi for example, Mr. Ballon D’or himself - add joy excitement, passion, even knowledge and C

Here’s why

I know and Im not sure if they all do, that in this world of ours, this human world of ours for thousands of years, humans did not have electricity. They, our fellow human beings of the past, did not enjoy the power that we take for granted everyday, without which, forget about phones, ipads, video games and the like, forget about the luxury of cold food whenever we want it or hot food whenever we want it

Humans for most of human history didn’t have clean water, the truest source of life and so they died.  You/ we don’t need to drink bottled water folks im America, really. Its just another scam.  You can drink the water from almost, and I say almost any faucet in America, clear safe plentiful water, the drink of the gods, for free. And then there is our air. If you think our air if dirty, do you know what it was like in London, the global city of the 19th century, just a short time ago.  Do you know what the air is like in most of the developing world everyday, not just in the famed smog pictures of Beijing pictures or New Delhi on shots of its their worst days, but the air that billions of people breathe every single day in the developing world. It makes the air during the tragic Californian forest fires of recent times seem like child’s play

And then there are our books, free everywhere with a library card. You and I don’t even need to visit the library anymore. We can just open an app and the world’s books more than anyone could ever read in a lifetime pour into your devices like water flowing over Niagara’s Falls. And if this wasn’t all and enough, everyday of my life I can walk for free in parks and see children play, children from all corners of the globe in parks mere minutes from where I live, and if that still wasn’t enough I can watch the beautiful sunset over the Manhattan skyline as I watch the children play even at night when the lights over the athletic field come on. If this isn’t a life of luxury what is?

So I’m a simple man with a simple salary so simple that I treasure a pasta dinner that costs me less than a few dollars at night to cook, but I know that because I have heat when I want it, water when I want ir, air when I want it and food from the grocery store when I want it, I am one of the luckiest humans to ever walk the face of the earth On top of that I can read books for free, visit parks where I can watch others play a wide variety of games from all cultures, and listen as their loved ones cheer them on in an endless variety of languages and dialects all of which I happily don't understand. I’ll take this wealth. I don’t need their billions.I have my cat and my sanity.

The American media & an American resurgence

What are you doing? Where have you been ? Our most important institution needs your help. You should be sued for neglect by our children.  Get your cameras in our classrooms, in our school’s hallways, in our Principal’s offices in every single one in our geat nation  - in every single one. Concerned about rights, privacy, etc? Me too. Sure I am. The solution is simple. Do not show any faces or any names. This is not a blame game. The teachers need you. They are struggling every single day against tremendous odds and they need your help. The Principals and our administrators, the good ones, they are mired in problems of unimaginable complexity with stress and pressure that knows no bounds because it never ends.  Chancellors and Superintendents, either engage in small talk or spew political correctness of the right or the left just to survive everyday and keep their $200,000 a year salaries which are peanuts for what they are being asked to do. Yes peanuts, compared to the likes of Taylor, Rachel, Shohei, Anderson and the King himself LeBron James, 200Kper year, that’s what they earn in a day.

Those who went to good schools, maybe the bast majority of those who will read this, the vast majority of them - have never seen the inside of a troubled school. They have no idea what it looks like or feels like. I’m telling you its not what you think. Go and have  look I dare you. Ask to visit one do this until we get the media to do its job. The new popular show about the elementary school What’s it called?  Abbott Elementary. It shouldn’t be winning emmys. It should win a new Award sponsored by all the suffering children in America - in our good schools and bad schools and every single school which is struggling to meet its children, our children’s needs in secrecy. It us beyond comprehension how the media has absolutely ignored our children.  The Award Abbott Elementary should win should be called the Travesty and Hypocrisy Aard.  It is a slap in the face to every hard working teacher, every struggling student - the bored in the good school, the bullied in the average school, and the illiterate and innumerate in the low income school - to every administrator who actually has a job and tried his or her best everyday.  60 Minutes get busy,  Before the the children and their parents sue you for absolute neglect. Maybe conservative viewers, those on the right, will begin to watch when they see you do something important amd useful for a change for their children and their families.  Regarding abbot Elementary, finally a chance to show what a school in a troubled place is really like and instead it shows nothing - not a single episode which dares to portray what goes on in an actual classroom in a troubled school. An absolute travesty. Did they know and were scared or do they all really not know? Did they actually visit any schools before writing and shooting. I don’t know.

The only thing that is worse than the ignorance of what happens in bad schools by the educated, elite and powerful in our society is, if you can guess, is the equal ignorance of what a good school is by those who have never seen one.  The folks who live in poverty, who live in the underclass, who are surrounded by extraordinary challenges, immense problems that dwarf what the wealthy can imagine - those folks have no idea what a healthy functioning good school looks like. They have no idea.

Forget about telling them to study for college.  They don't know what a good college means. They don't know what it looks like or feels like. How could they? Why would they want to work hard to attend something that they have no clue about. How can they imagine something they don’t know could possibly help them? CBS NBC ABC CNN Show them. Yes you still matter The mainstream American media still matters.  The folks who watch you at night don’t know what they are missing. They don’t know what the schools you attended since birth look like feel like. Tell them. Show them, every single night and show the successful the wealthy the powerful and those in the middle what bad schools what troubled schools look like and feel like. Please Do you job.  Show them by showing them what a good primary school classroom means. How?  Show them on the news every single day. Every single day.  Do your job for crying our loud. If not,let me do it,  Give me a platform on CNN or MSNBC or whatever platforms you like. Call it “The Classroom with Peter Farber” and give me some cameras and some reporters a big ole team of them and lets get to work.  The good hardworking teachers, Principals, school safety guards, cafeteria workers and others will welcome us with open earns so they can get the credit respect and salary they deserve. Those who fear this, should. They should be thrown out and the sooner the better.The bad trouble causing kids and their families should fear this too.  They are wasting our time and our resources and the chance for their classmates to get a good education and this must be stipped it can not be tolerated to go on a single day longer.  Those who suffer in schools everyday trying their best who cant understand why the mayhem never ends will welcome your cameras in like you were their best friends, their savior.

I am confident, absolutely confident, have no doubt whatsoever that our educational system can be fixed - even the ones in other countries. I’m as much a global humanitarian as an American one. If and when I get elected to the US House or Representatives and take the oath of office to defend the US Constitution my loyalty will change to look our for US interests first.  The only chance we have to fix it all and get it right is to show our educational system to the American people. They don’t know what it looks like. They don’t know what’s inside. And I dare say this goes on insider our colleges and universities too. For those professors who have a cakewalk job teaching the best and the brightest everyday and don’t break a sweat. We are coming for you. Harvard Yale Princeton yes all you professors doing I don’t know what with your students, You emperors have no clothes. For the community college professors who grind it out each session,  with no health insurance trying to save lives at maybe their final shot- the 2nd or 3rd or 4th try for some adult learners -  who still have some hope for a better future and haven’t yet given up. We will get our camera in there and show everyone whats going on, and then we can fix it all I believe, right Glen?

Thank you and God Bless America and other nations too

And help protect our troops, and our children

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